Loose Leash and Recall -Sundays @ 9:30 a.m.

Please note this class takes place at Bothwell Park, in the Uplands.

This class will cover foundations and advanced training skills for Loose Leash Walking and Recall. With over 20 games to play, let’s get you enjoying your dog with two of the argubably most needed dog training skills.

Dogs of all ages, including puppies are welcome at this class.

Students will need a long-line for this class.

Foundation Fun 101 -Sundays @ 10:30 a.m.

Please note this an outside class that takes place in Bothwell Park, in the Uplands.

For beginners three months of age and older. Encourage focus and partnership by playing. Learn sit, down, come, stay, loose leash walking and more with games-based training. Play your way to a well-trained dog.

For this class you will need to bring a mat or station for your dog.




Foundation Fun 101 -Tuesdays @ 6:00 p.m.

For beginners three months of age and older. Encourage focus and partnership by playing. Learn sit, down, come, stay, loose leash walking and more with games-based training. Play your way to a well-trained dog.


Leash Reactivity -Tuesdays @ 8:30 pm.

Our first class is information only, to get you a step ahead of your dog.

Important details: Please note Leash Reactivity is not designed as a socialization class. We will not be working on greeting, meeting or playing with other dogs. We are strictly dealing with being able to see and pass by dogs/people/other triggers without reaction. In the early weeks dogs will be taking breaks throughout the hour, most typically in the vehicle. In cold or hot weather you may leave your car running and/or stay with your dog on their down-time.

Focus and Control -Wednesdays @ 6:00 p.m.

Is your dog too friendly for his own good? Kind of (happily) out of control? Hard to manage? Seems to have bricks in his ears? Maybe he knows some skills, but can’t seem to show those good behaviors out in public? Are you kind of embarrassed about his behavior?

If you have a dog that’s difficult to control, but isn’t generally leash reactive (barking, snarling, growling at others) -this class is for you! This class is all the good things of our Leash Reactivity class -shifted to owners with dogs that aren’t quite Leash Reactive, but need to learn to control their big, wild feelings too.

Why? Growing skills like sit, down, stay and come aren’t going to be enough if your dog is out to lunch -you both need to learn focus and control. Without those two things, the rest of your communication gets lost out in the world. Some teams just need more focus and control than others and if typical training hasn’t got the manners you need -you need a new approach!

So, let’s get you working, learning and listening to one another. Come join us this session for our new Behavior class offering: FOCUS AND CONTROL!


Focus and Control -Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.

Is your dog too friendly for his own good? Kind of (happily) out of control? Hard to manage? Seems to have bricks in his ears? Maybe he knows some skills, but can’t seem to show those good behaviors out in public? Are you kind of embarrassed about his behavior?

If you have a dog that’s difficult to control, but isn’t generally leash reactive (barking, snarling, growling at others) -this class is for you! This class is all the good things of our Leash Reactivity class -shifted to owners with dogs that aren’t quite Leash Reactive, but need to learn to control their big, wild feelings too.

Why? Growing skills like sit, down, stay and come aren’t going to be enough if your dog is out to lunch -you both need to learn focus and control. Without those two things, the rest of your communication gets lost out in the world. Some teams just need more focus and control than others and if typical training hasn’t got the manners you need -you need a new approach!

So, let’s get you working, learning and listening to one another. Come join us this session for our new Behavior class offering: FOCUS AND CONTROL!


Leash Reactivity -Wednesdays @ 8:00 p.m.

Our first class is information only, to get you a step ahead of your dog.

Important details: Please note Leash Reactivity is not designed as a socialization class. We will not be working on greeting, meeting or playing with other dogs. We are strictly dealing with being able to see and pass by dogs/people/other triggers without reaction. In the early weeks dogs will be taking breaks throughout the hour, most typically in the vehicle. In cold or hot weather you may leave your car running and/or stay with your dog on their down-time.

Agility and Control Games -Mondays @ 7:30 p.m.

This class is for Foundation Fun 101 and/or Focus and Control graduates. This class is suitable for both handlers looking to pursue agility or other dog sports, or owners who simply want better connection and control between them and their dog.

In this class, we look at 5 main areas: Focus, Connection, Self-Control, Body Awareness and Reward Structures.

You do not need any specific equipment or skills for this class.

Things we’ll be working on include:

  • Stays
  • Releases
  • Recalls
  • Focus Under Excitement
  • Forward Focus
  • Target Training for Beginner Obstacle Focus
  • Beginning Handling
  • Working with distraction near-by (food/person/dog)
  • Body awareness
  • Rear End Awareness

Please note that you will need to bring a crate (preferred) or station with you to class. Your dog will be spending their down-time in their crate as part of their control games. Dogs MUST be comfortable in a crate or have a strong understanding of place/station prior to their first class.

Intro to Rally-O -Saturdays @ 9:45 a.m.

Does your dog have the basic commands, but you’re looking to train a little bit more? How about learning the canine sport of Rally-O! Rally-O combines obedience skills with fun courses. Think Agility course, but instead of equipment, you have signs with obedience exercises such as sit, down, stay, come and more!

In this class you will learn the foundations of many of the Novice level signs, plus games to keep attention, focus and heeling. Whether you want to play the Rally-O game, or simply change up your same old training routine, this course is a great fit!

Please note dogs should have sit, down, stay and decent leash skills to make best use of this class.